Halo, teman-teman! So, It's been about 3 weeks since the IMC 2013 be held. But too bad, I am getting forget every single detailed events happened there whereas I haven't written anything about it here. So, before all the moments fly away from my head, I'm now starting to make it everlasting hahaha
So, Indonesia Movement Conference 2013, or IMC 2013 for short, is a conference for Indonesian youth, organized by the students board of Prasetiya Mulya Business School and held in May 17-19, 2013. In this event, every province was represented by one youth delegate, and maybe because it was their first debut, the province participants are only 26 provinces. And I'm the delegate representing DKI Jakarta yeaaaaay
Anyway, ini kenapa gue jadi speaking english gini? Oke, haha so, in IMC 2013 we discussed much about things to do to make a better Indonesia. Besides, we shared knowledge, ideas, and spirit to be the driver of change in our own province! haha
To specify our focus, the committee divided us (the 26 delegates) into 5 clusters (education, environment, entrepreneurship, youth & leadership, culture) based on our social project. Ahya, before chosen to be delegates, we have to take the selection process which included short essay writing, application form filling, social project paper submission, and so on. Social project I submitted is my Trash me, it works! Movement hahah that's why it was grouped into the environment cluster. Then, in those clusters, we presented our sospro in front of the judges who are experts in every cluster. The 5 best social projects will get an amount of grants to realize their project. So, let's guess then did I become the best 5 social projects? *drumroll* the answer is NOOOOOOOO hahaha
so, are you eager enough to know why I wasn't chosen to be the 5 best projects? to be continued yaak guys, my mom is calling. asking me to nyuci piring. haha
fixed, postingan ini ditutup dengan sangat tidak elit haha
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